5. Assign plans to the SIM cards
“Create your product” means that you need to assign a plan or a pool and a company for the SIM(s) that were uploaded as new SIM(s).
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“Create your product” means that you need to assign a plan or a pool and a company for the SIM(s) that were uploaded as new SIM(s).
Last updated
To assign a plan (same as assigning in bulk) to SIM(s) need the following steps:
Select the necessary SIM(s).
Click the PLUS button on the left in the toolbar.
Choose the SIM(s) type.
A new window will open
Select the corresponding plan.
The company is already indicated in the Company field.
ICCIDs are automatically uploaded to the SIMs field.
Click the CREATE button.
Select the necessary SIM(s).
Click the PLUS button on the left in the toolbar.
Choose the SIM(s) type
A new window will open.
In the new window, choose the company to which you want to assign the SIM(s).
Choose the plan created for this company.
(ICCIDs will be uploaded to the SIMs field automatically.)
Press the CREATE button.
By completing these steps, you have successfully created a "Product" by associating your SIM(s) with a specific company and plan.