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The SIMs page provides convenient access to essential information about each SIM card, including their statuses, SIM types, operators, associated companies, and end users.
This enables to easily track data usage, and remaining days on active plans, and view detailed information for each card, such as ICCID, operator, plan, company, and other relevant details.
A SIM card with a certain balance. When the balance runs out, you can refill it yourself or through auto-refills, and the SIM card will continue to work.
The client pays for the balance top-up, and the amount is added to the SIM card, making it usable.
SIM cards have usage terms defined by operator contracts. For example, if there are no refills for three years, the SIM card may be deactivated. This is just an example, as details are always specified in contracts with operators.
A subscription is a product type where the SIM card is used for a month, and at the end of the month, an invoice is issued for all expenses according to the plan (usage). Payment for the usage is deducted at the end of the month.
Types of Subscription:
Pay GO (pay-as-you-go in real time) is a product that charges for data per megabyte.
PAYGO is a flexible data billing product that charges users per megabyte of data used, offering advanced features and seamless integration. Unlike standard pay-per-megabyte models, PAYGO allows operators to set prices not only based on total data consumption but also for specific countries.
Not available – No integration.
Pending – Being checked by the integrator because it was just added to the platform, or operations are being performed on it (e.g., SIM swap).
Blank – SIM without a line.
Activation ready – Has a line and a plan (linked to a company if not for store use).
Active – Operating in normal mode.
Suspended – Manually or systemically suspended (e.g., expired).
Invalid – Something went wrong with the integration
ICCID - The unique identifier for each SIM card. For eSIMs, the number is displayed along with a QR code, making it easy to distinguish between physical SIMs and eSIMs.
In session:
Yes - the SIM is currently online and in use.
No - the SIM is currently offline and not in use.
N/A - the status of the SIM is undetermined because the integration does not support it.
Operator - The mobile network provider associated with the SIM, such as Telefonica, Vodafone UK, HOT Mobile, Odido, Orange France, Partner, Plus, WWS.
Plan - Shows the name of the current plan, which is automatically generated but can be customized if needed
Company - Company name to which the SIM card is assigned.
End User - The email address of the end user linked to the SIM.
Data left (MB) - Remaining data allowance for the SIM.
Days left - The remaining days before the plan or SIM expires.
This month (MB) - Data usage for the current month.
Note - A field for any additional notes or comments.
Rules - Customizable rules applied to the SIM
Labels - Customizable labels for organizing SIMs.
SIM type - Indicates whether the SIM is Prepaid, Subscription, or PAYGO.