Here you as an Organization can manage information about End Users, including their associated Companies, SIM cards, and financial details. This page is intended to streamline user management by offering detailed insights into End User accounts, SIM usage, and payment settings.
General Terms from End Users page:
Name - For end users, the name is shown if available; otherwise, the email is displayed when the name is not provided.
Company - The company associated with the end user.
Prepaid - Number of prepaid SIM cards assigned to the end user.
Subscription - Number of subscription SIM cards assigned.
PAYGO - Number of PAYGO SIM cards assigned.
Wallet - Current wallet balance of the end user.
Labels - Tags or categories for easy identification and filtering.
Detailed Information (Clicking on a row): Provides further details about the selected End User:
General: Overview of SIM card assignments (prepaid, subscription, PAYGO), wallet information including paid amounts (monthly and lifetime), and general settings such as notification preferences and whether the End User pays for new purchases.
Permissions: Defines the actions the End User can perform, such as adding, deleting, editing, or viewing information. This includes managing payment methods, staff-related actions, and SIM card management (e.g., updating notes, auto-refill options, refilling).
Log: Displays a history of changes with date, modified fields, old and new values, and the user who made the changes. This is useful for auditing and tracking adjustments.
The End Users page allows for efficient management of SIM card assignments, tracking of wallet balances, and configuration of End User permissions and settings.